We are back! Host Will DiGravio sits down with Adrian Martin, who discusses his video essays made in collaboration with Cristina Álvarez López. The two discuss their essay, “Only Free Gestures,” and Rafael Guilhem’s “Traspasos.”
Update: Check out this blog post Cristina wrote about our conversation! The post is full of links to their work, and includes some thoughts from Cristina on why she decided to have Adrian speak on behalf of their team.
Preview to Episode 7 – #DoYourHomework
Our next guest will be Jennifer Proctor. Jen is a filmmaker, media artist, and associate professor at the University of Michigan – Dearborn. Learn more about Jen via her website. The episode will be released on Thursday, Oct. 31.
We will discuss her piece, “Nothing a Little Soap and Water Can’t Fix.”
In her description of the essay, Jen writes:
“In films, as in life, the bathtub is often considered a private space for women – a place not only to groom, but to relax, to think, to grieve, to be alone, to find sanctuary. For Hollywood, though, it’s also a place of naked vulnerability, where women narratively placed in harm’s way have no escape. Using appropriated movies, this experimental found footage work deconstructs the representations of women in this domestic space as historically framed in popular film.”
Password: bathtub
Jen will also discuss Martin Arnold’s “Pièce Touchée” (1989).
More About Adrian and Cristina
Adrian’s Collection of Film Writings: Film Critic: Adrian Martin
Cristina’s Blog: Laugh Motel
Cristina’s Collected Writings, Including Video Essays Made In Collaboration with Adrian: Click here
I had the wonderful opportunity to attend an event previously plugged on the podcast, “Repetition & Variation: Video Essays as Comparative Film and Television Studies Methodologies,” hosted at Birkbeck Cinema by Catherine Grant (our guest on Episode 2!) in London on October 12, 2019.“ I live-tweeted the event here.
The day featured a fantastic selection of videographic work, including essays by Patrick Keating, Chiara Grizzaffi, Kathleen Loock, and Grant.